There´s a time of the year I usually start feeling like a sleepy bear, that is, I feel an urge to rest, sleep a lot and rest a little more...usually that time comes around the beginning of October and to continue the bear analogy, it´s in 99% of all cases triggered by the first snowfall of the season...September is a busy moment for climbers all over the world and pushing yourself constantly kinda burns you out...I was feeling all burnt last Tuesday out after almost linking my crimpy anti style project Cosmic Casino (5.12c) 5 times only falling at the last move, then continued to push by working, studying for my psychology exams and more working on Thursday...
Thursday afternoon was supposed to be a final window of opportunity before the season´s first snow system would move in and end our lovely Indian summer, so I dragged myself up to the project and fortunately did it after putting in the draws...which allowed me to focus on my desired FA project which got done about 20 minutes later...
This evening I was I have decided to roll with the punch and, thanks system, that´s not too hard. I´ll do my exams on Monday respectively Tuesday, finally finish being a student and then it´s gonna be all on again for the US!
And how could you be not psyched on this...
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