Freitag, 25. Februar 2011

Highest of Highs, Lowest of Lows...

Well, the past weeks since my last post have for sure been a whirlwind...Anna and I ended our relationship, something I am slowly coming over in terms of accepting it, even though I personally still think and will continue to do so that we would have been able to bridge the gaps and build upon our shared interests the end, relationships can only last if both partners are convinced that there´s a basis. What am I to do, you can´t force realization upon someone else, which leaves you with accepting as the only possible option. I really regret this and will for some time, but then, life goes on and so does love, hopefully! It was however good to have things settled fast and in time for my exams, since it took a couple of blue days to get my head round to preparing again after our break up conversation.

So far, the exams have been going amazingly well, pedagogics of schooling went pretty damn smooth and German literature was a piece of cake...I wish this would go for German linguistics as well, but hey, you can´t have everything. Overall, things have been good and I´m grateful for that.

I have been quite psyched on skiing the past days, with all my German written finals done and English to come next week, I took some time off, quit preparing for a couple of days and went skiing...good decision! I had a BLAST! Hopefully the forecast holds its promises and some snow is on its way...can´t wait for Tuesday, just got shots at the doc this morning and thus am out of the game until Monday!

Next week will bring my first English finals and then, in due aftermath, hopefully some Frankenjura cragging!

On a sidenote, I was just struck with how small problems such as exams or grades in exams are on a global scale. It is good and actually at times needed to be reminded of this, the Middle East´s recent revolutions and upheavals, culminating in Lybia´s current apocalypse should be a reminder that even though we all face problems each day, we´re still blessed compared to others. Even though my complains about delayed trains and bad weather might seem justified at first glance, it`s, again, at times a lesson in obtaining a proper perspective to not only superficially bear in mind but to actually reflect on how fortunate we are compared to the ones slain, imprisoned, humiliated and tortured in other parts of the world.


Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

Recent realizations...

On Sunday we went cragging...not the smartest idea considering it was about -8° celsius and generally foggy and damp but we had high hopes, fueled by a forecast that had sunny somewhere in it. It turned out Zellerwand was not that sunny, in other words foggy as some Conan Doylian marsh, so we decided to make the move to Klobenstein...we hiked up in about a solid foot of snow, got wet, made a fire (man day, yay!, it´s my fire! cave men reminiscence all over) and then actually climbed...that was a day...I for my part climbed two routes...and felt pretty damn done after...the cold is however finally gone and it´s onwards and upwards from this point!

Other important things recently (re-)realized:

-cats are selfish and in the end ruthless bastards! I hereby vow to remain, forever, a dog person!
-gym climbing sucks (except for Bridges!) but is the way to stay in shape...
-food plays an important part when it comes to peoples´ mood!
-I want some good outdoor bouldering with my lil bro asap!
