Arco was rad overall. There´s always setbacks and downsides, I didn´t get to project as much as I wanted to and thus didn´t send anything really hard but overall: successful trip! We found two new crags without all the negative side effects of Arco being Europe`s sport climbing capital, those being polished routes and an abundance of jerks, idiots and douchebags turning your day at the crag into a testrun of your personal stoicism and persistance.
As a matter of personal taste, I prefer steeper routes with bigger holds and bigger moves! A trip to Arco means a possibility to lay my hands on something I can´t get at home, namely tufas. With a mixed group of climbers it turned out to be tricky, about as tricky as I expected to get as much of steep enduro cragging as possible but as soon as Rob, Sabs, Daniel and Hans had arrived, things took a positive turn. Both new crags we visited turned out to be RAD! Since I wanna go and ride my bike, here´s Arco in stream of consciousness, followed by pics!
Cappucinos, Aperol, tufas and pump, Marco Gelato, idiots with helmets, "the cold is coming from the inside", Ristorante Al Fiume, severed pants, I WANT SKIN, big whippers, russian choirs, "can we get a cleaned appartment?", it´s a MALAMUTE HUSKY!, rest day hiking with my dad, fighting marmots, Italian chicks dig make up way too much, low budget and no shopping, 5.10s Hornet is crap, 5.10s Quantum rules, I need a knee pad, where did sabre tooth tigers go?, onsighting is something I seem to be able to only do on holidays, I need a climbing girl friend!
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