Samstag, 26. Oktober 2013

Fall update!

Okay, the past weeks have been quite a whirlwind! I had to leave my position in Hollfeld and have since gone back to being a teacher in Munich - zooming in for my final round of exams to come in December. I survived the first round of exams with psychology and pedagogics pretty well, scoring A in psychology and something else in pedagogics, making for a total grade of B - I can live with that. I´ve also gone back to commuting and well, it´s strenuous but I wouldn´t live in Munich, so it´s worth it. I need to be able to hike and climb and big city life would drive me nuts!
On the climbing front, I managed to climb one of my fall objectives last weekend! Considering that Deuterium is quite crimpy and pretty vertical except for a first section, for which I fortunately found some pinch beta, I´m pretty damn happy about that. I can´t deny that climbing yet another 5.13b / 8a graded route got me psyched just for the number reason as well. It wasn´t the primary reason, I wanted to find out if I could climb something that would give me a hard time but I also admittedly wanted to find out if I can climb that grade in a style that´s not my favorite!
Turns out I can!
Yesterday I went to the Zillertal with my new girlfriend - we haven´t made it official but to me, kissing has always been a sign of a relationship starting, so I´m pretty positive on that - and had a wonderful day, despite fucking up my knee same as I did in the valley back in 2009. Same as in 2009, I´ll stick to Libby Sauter`s advice: "Ibuprofen that shit!"
Here´s to you Libs! I´ve been doing it tonight and it has improved!
Let´s see what´ll be up next!

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