Well, that was a fun year. It wasn´t all fun, life never is, but on a general basis, I couldn´t have asked for a better year in Hollfeld. Simply put, I really grew to like the classes I taught, even though at times they probably struggled with my style, that puts an emphasis on enabling kids to ask the right questions rather than displaying answers on the quick. I don´t think that we can provide all the answers - what we need to do in school is enable teenagers to ask the right questions and come up with ways to answer them on their own, supervised, coached, monitored, whatever. I don´t believe that handing out check lists is the right thing. I don´t believe that grading everything is the right way. I think that we carefully and measured by common sense have to help young people realize that they indeed know something - and if not, they should feel welcome to ask.
Enough of that. I can spew all these things out in my thesis. For now it should be sufficient to say that all my classes rocked, we got along well - I think so - and that some pupils improved in a major way. Not just skill wise but also personality wise. That´s all I can ask for.
In terms of climbing I didn´t get to climb as many projects as I wanted to. That´s life. My preferred rope partner broke her foot and my other rope partner blew his shoulder. I climbed a ton of boulders though, sent a bunch of ultra classic Frankenjura lines and thus won´t leave with a bad feeling at all. I didn´t get any pics, didn´t see lots of visits by my friends - talking about going somewhere seems all the rage these days - but had fun anyway.
I guess that´s what matters in the end.
Some of my most memorable boulder achievements can be seen in the following short clips...
Signing out.
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