So, as posted I screwed up! That means, long story short, that I won´t be able to make it into the job until February. On the one hand that is definately a bummer, since I was planning to get a dog, a car, be freer to move and go places where I want to go but, so be it. I have managed to survive on climbing classes the past years and actually lived an amazing life, so the story may as well continue. I had written of my US trip (something I LONG for) due to job formalities but since these have more or less be postponed (euphemism here) I´m actually focusing on November/December! That leaves me with the opportunity to make as much money as possible, temps in the Valley will be better, Bishop might be climbable, Moab will not be many possibilities! I´m seriously psyched on my options!
The reason why I long for this trip so much is pretty simple my love for travelling. I want to go and see as much as possible, experience as much as possible and also just speak English. Well, that´s what I realized yesterday when I ran into a biking couple from Tennessee on their 18th cycling trip through Europe...talking to Sam on this horribly croweded train brought my first serious English conversation in MONTHS and I just liked it very much! For some strange reason, I actually prefer English over German...can´t explain it, it´s a gut feeling but hey, these matter a lot.
Yesterday´s exam in Didactics of German proved to be a test for my ambition and persistence after the big mental blow received last week. Punch taken, still in the fight and winning! I got through the exam pretty smoothly, shrugged off the idiotic comments made by some of my fellow students about Prof. Kiefer being "the worst case scenario in Didactics" and just went in for a relaxed chat. Turns out we both got along well, that is, I came close to an A, as I was told later. They agreed on B+ in the end and I can´t disagree, I made a couple of slight mistakes and personally don´t think that A would have been deserved, so there´s concord on my part. I´m done. That´s it. Studies of German Literature and Linguistics hereby FINISHED!
Now there´s English to come. I don´t worry about them, except maybe for Grammar on Friday this week. I still have a TON to prepare and as soon as I´m finished writing this, I´ll head to the grocery store, get breakfast, make some coffee and get started...all other English exams will be a piece of cake since they´re only about my fields of interest and so I´ll do a little bit of celebrating on Saturday...hopefully I´ll also feel unshackled and finish a project or two...I´m in shape right now but in the end, even though I pride myself of good nerves when it comes to being examined, can´t deny this all gets to me. Not in the way of making me all shaky and completely beat up but in a sense of not feeling free.
Out to go shopping!
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