Well, besides Heidi, the cross-eyed opossum, not much has happened since that last post that can actually be summarized as entirely positive! Right after my last post, my girl got ill...like I-got-the-flu-ill and we didn´t see each other for a week. Stupid thing, especially with the weather being nice and all. I however got to go to Berchtesgaden for some bouldering which was mainly fun because of the crew involved and not so much due to amazing problems...we got to climb. Case closed. It´s not worth the distance. Sent a V 4, worked a V 7ish travese and a V 9ish roof and found out that after a winter of padded gym bouldering I have to get my head round to falling on pads again...
As soon as my girl had recovered, we saw each other once, contemplated a Zillertal bouldering trip for about 2 hours until Anna all of a sudden panicked thinking of some tests at school comin´ up. Trip canceled, girlfriend departs direction home, desk and books...I departed direction Zellerwand for some sunny cragging! The day turned out to be my last day of climbing for a bit since the following Wednesday, after getting finally enrolled for all of my exams, oral and written, the flu obviously thought it was time to deal a blow of divine justice to me (who had always thought it witty to remark "Oink, Oink" on friends´ fb statuses complaining about being down with pig influnenza).
Saw my doc yesterday! He says I´m about to be cured...that´s what I feel like to, it´s nice to have my feelings and professional judgement conforming with each other...
Winter has returned in full effect with about a foot of snow dump since yesterday morning and the weekened will either bring skiing, climbing or both.