Sitting on a train oh well you fucking bitch stop that squeaky laughter it annoys the crap outta me oh damn it is there a guy living in that tent why don´t they have a proper wellfare system in here the ghost of Tom Joad on and on Amtrak´s coffee sucks and that dude is a mofo anyway Anna I wish you were with me and I wish I wasn´t wishing but that´s all past now and I guess that´s the way life is gotta find a new princess deer can I please get some interesting wildlife I´m psyched to see Em and Beez and boulder in Boulder sounds crazy fun to me watch your money and your budget aww fuck it get a bagel damn...
off...doze off drop off nod off fall asleep wake again closer every minute takes me places and there i am so many pups and such craziness on that train fucking in dressing rooms seriously that guy was big and his girl as well how did they make it work curiosity is a strange thing...
so many pups and the smallest dessert ever cute isn´t it beer and em and taylor and more dogs and a cat cats are soothing little bitches cindy cat wakes me up and purrs like crazy bouldering boulder canyon what a fucking nightmare guy and all the nice folks saving me how great was that hunch go by hunch always trust your heart it´s true more climbing and lost again thai food with em more awesome folks and more roads onwards and forward to desert beauty, dead mice and oilrig geomagicians...
moab so rad and sandbagged as hell oh woah will I do something in here I will I do I love it get beer and hike it in fucking gnarly offroading and hell it´s not my car so watch out getting used to it amys vegan chili and cereals I can live on that coffee more coffee and hot moab girls I want tattoed girls not afraid to get dirty and still hot in Germany but then damn it I don´t know, never actually have she was checking you out so badly Austin said and I didn´t realize...
more bouldering sweet highballing breathtaking Colorado river beauty and Lily falling on her beautiful kiddy face outta sheer enthusiasm oh well little girls crying how sad is that on out to home and crazy fucking base jumpers on the way out getting duffied and pizzaed beaver creeked and then outta again and then frat house sleeping coffee out so many memories and I don´t know why I can´t write about those but it´s strange like butterflies they are memorized but too beautiful to describe actually then again they change you and that´s what matters right?