Sonntag, 22. November 2009
Back again...
After some time of cold related break, I´m back to climbing. I was fortunate enough to be able to borrow a car this morning, so I decided I´ld give bouldering at Berchtesgaden a try. I was impressed coming there, good landings, nice and sunny, warmed up, everything perfect and then...
Fucker! I was falling of some arete problem not sticking a dead point move and that got him in high gear. He turned out to be a 8A+ bouldering bastard pretty soon, strong (gotta admit that) but socially helplessly inapt as he started to lecture me on how to climb the problem.
First of all, I like to figure my problems out by myself. Beta is acceped when it comes from friends or generally nice people (of which I met tons in the US!) but he belonged to neither of those catergories. Shut it! Another example of localism gone bad. I did the problem. Did some training on the other problems but didn´t send anything else.
What could have been an amazing day turned out to be like a day at the gym...not psyched!
I´ll be back to Bishop in March...can´t wait.
Pics in a couple minutes