I got back to San Francisco yesterday on the train after getting totally rained out the night before. But: since Libby and the guys at Yosemite Search and Rescue are so incredibly nice, I`ll return to finish my projects that I left unfinished.
Yosemite was a unique and amazing experience. I met a lot of nice people and I have seen one of the most beautiful places on this planet. I spent my days climbing and hiking, swimming in the beautiful Merced river. I haven`t felt as good as I did in the Valley for years, the climbing, the nature...it has it all.
In terms of climbing, it was really hot. All the time. I didn`t get to send my hard projects, I just slipped all the time and since I had only one pad (I bought one on my first day), there could have been better protection. Still I climbed a lot. I don`t climb on granite that much and I gotta say that it teaches you so much. It teaches you precise footwork. It makes you evolve. My most memorable ascents probably are the Ahwahnee Arete, a super nice and scary highball arete with a top out on micro holds in 9 metres hight...I have never been scareder and still have never felt as alive for a long time. In a way, life destills to its very essence, there is no past and no future, there is just you, the wind and the rock, you`re moving and everything is just so very present and in the moment. There is no doubt, there are only choices. After spending two days at the Ahwahnee boulders, I found my playground at the Cathedral Boulders and met Alan, who gave me beta and reconmendations, thanks man, hope to meet you again. I did So Good on my third day of trying it, topped it out in total trance after taking a few scary falls from the top. It was a moment in time. There is nothing that will take it from me. That`s what I live for.
Those two were beyond doubt the highlights. More are to come, since I`ll return to stay with the SAR team again. I`ll have fun, drink a couple of King Cobras and climb the shit out of my tips.
Swim in the river again.
What else was metionable? I saw tons of wildlife, the highlights being BEYOND DOUBT BEARS!!! I SAW BEARS...a yearling out of the El Cap shuttle which was a stroke of luck since the driver picked me up waving my hands by the side of the road even though there was no regular stop in the place. And then I had to wait and suffer from all the bear ruckus in Camp 4 every night. Bears came to Camp 4 every night in search of food. But I never saw one!!! I had to wait until I did Half Dome on Saturday. Right next to the trail on a meadow they were...Mama Bear and two cubs...I saw them for minutes!!! I WAS SO PSYCHED!
Huge amounts of thanks go to:
Jonesy/Itai/ Sorry your name is Pakistani so I can`t remember... for the American breakfast with pancakes and fried bacon...and the company...
Sam... for being a cool hiking buddy on the way down from Half Dome...
Libby and the whole SAR team... for being so welcoming and great and outspoken and amazing...
Alan... for the whole Cathedral beta and the talks...
my buddy at housekeeping camp... for the talks and the free showers...
Nick and Tessa... for picking up my hitchhiking ass at Crane Flat and for bringing back my camera which I forgot in their car
Karen... who did the Tuolumne tour and did an amazing job and all the bus drivers in general for being great and amazing and funny and damn badass folks
the docs and nurses at the Medical Clinic in my one situation of need...
and all the unamed people I met or whose names I forgot who talked with me, shared moments with me and made my time an amazing one.
Just as an amusement, here come my favorite quotes...
"So where you from, buddy?" "Germany" "Where the fuck is that?" "In Europe..." "Oh, I see..."
"Am I dumb or what???"
"Damn, there is fish in this river. I hate fish, they`re gross! Why do there have to be fish in this river?"
"KC (King Cobra), that stuff is savage..."
"Did you hike all the way in flip flops??? That`s ballsy, dude!!!"
"Get away bear!!! Get outta here!!! Go!!! Run, bear, run!!! Get outta here!!!"
"And to the left, we have the Yosemite Wet Streak aka Yosemite Falls in August..."
Pics will be uploaded soon...
THANKS TO MY FOLKS FOR THE CARD (I wish there had been money in it as well though...no, just kiddin`)...
See ya all in a couple of weeks...having a ball, restday today, went to Mortar Rock yesterday, tips finished, Nat`s Traverse is close, music is good, life`s good, Mortar tomorrow, Bishop to come...the journey continues...