Montag, 13. April 2009

It´s been a while

It´s been a while since I last wrote something. The past weeks have been really annoying, since my brother`s visit I have been down with the flu.

Now that the flu is finally gone, I will shortly resume a winter of superlatives. We had tons of snow and I didn`t ski once due to a knee injury. Fucked up luck on the big scale.

To the present: I am finally able to climb again. Since the spring has finally set in -the sun is finally shining- me and Verena took advantage of that and went to Kochel, an area famous for stiff grades and being very...mhmm, different. You either like it or hate it. I like it. We spent the day at the Celtic wall and it was perfect, the grades are sandbags -which I like- and the climbing is really my style...big moves, athletic. You have to  be strong if you wanna send anything in Kochel.

The day after that, that is the day before Easter Sunday, I went to the Zellerwand where I warmed up sending the beautiful Workoholic onsight -35 metres of perfection, at least if we`re talking Zellerwand terms- and then turned to La Princessa Negra. I cleaned the whole project again and throughly, put some chalk on the holds and had a go after getting properly warmed up on Saubär (the lower part up to the crux, Saubär completely will be my proj. after sending the princess). I can say that it is a really amazing and good line, despite the shittalking from a lot of envious bastards. Wait until you see my next strike, bitches! You´re gonna drop your jaws.

The crux had me making Sharma sounds pretty soon. I stuck the move before the crux move, which leaves me with two moves unsolved. After those two there is a moderate shake out with medium holds and crap footholds. The key to success will be to use it the day I link the crux.

Hopefully more to come soon. The season has finally started. The summer has come. 

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